We ship worldwide
The office is located in the town of Bisserup and packages will be shipped from there.
Time of production is 1-2 weeks - see page “Production” for more info. The delivery times when production is done is as below.
(Is your country not available at the check out section, write us an email an we will find a way.)
Danish citizens - 1 day delivery
European citizens - 2-3 days delivery
International citizens - 5-6 days delivery + time at taxation office.(Please note that taxes outside the EU may occur and it is the costumers responsibility to pay.)
Returns are allowed the first 14 days after receival. The return cost is on the costumer and make sure to use a tracking service and to keep the receipt in case of a lost package. Returns can also be dropped off at the office in Bisserup, this must be planned in advance to make sure someone can accept the receival of the package.
If wishing to return, write a mail to with “return” in the subject and you will receive a return sheet to fill and send together with the package. The item must be in the same condition as new with tags attached to be accepted.
The shipping and expedition costs will be extracted from the amount.